With great fanfare, it begins!

Friday June 24, 2005

Though mattjohnsen.com has been up since February, sporting the sad face of the default MovableType html templates, I think that now I can say that at last the site has (begun to) come into its own. Barely. I've removed all those old posts (that's right, all five of them) because they were really only there so I could see something while I was designing this thing. And while I know there was surely some way for me to prevent anyone from seeing the site while it gestated, I chose instead to do things, as always, in the laziest manner possible. You folks who are coming by here for the first time can take some miniscule comfort in knowing that at least this isn't exactly the very first design I crapped out. Not long ago, the colors and logo were even uglier, if you can imagine!

So here we are. Mattjohnsen.com. Woo! Unfortunately (for me), most of the blogs I read on a regular basis are by designer friends and acquaintances whose attractive and eminently usable sites only mock my own sad attempts at color coordination and graphics design. Of course, I could have paid any one of them to make something nice for me, but who has that kind of cash? Those web designers, driving their fancy cars and living downtown in highrise penthouse suites - who can afford their exorbitant fees! No, I will make do on my own, plying my skills with a bootleg copy of Photoshop and relying on the twenty or so fonts that came pre-installed on my computer. Prepare to be dazzled!

Introductions aside, I don't really know what to do with this site. I'm loathe to turn it into an online diary, but that being the easiest thing to do, it just might happen. Insofar as I play guitar in a band, I suppose I could steer the site in the direction of self-worship, a place for my devoted fans to learn all about my gear and enviable technique (see tonymacalpine.com for an example of this approach), but I somehow don't see that happening either. Time will tell, I suppose. In the meantime, I hope what few people show up at this address do find some amusement from time to time. It's certainly nice of you to visit.

Posted by Matt at June 24, 2005 09:59 AM


Congrats on the launch, Matt! I look forward to seeing what this site becomes.

Posted by: Rob Weychert at June 24, 2005 10:34 AM


(I crack myself up.)

Here, I wrote you a haiku:

With greenish-gray tinge
mattjohnsen.com spurt forth
wry ebullience

Posted by: The WONDERFUL and MYSTERIOUS Obnube at June 24, 2005 10:45 AM

Hey - nice job! Lets see what you come up with here. (You're already driving traffic to my site! Thanks!)

Posted by: Dean at June 24, 2005 01:48 PM


Posted by: BenMech at June 27, 2005 09:52 AM

Go Matt!

Posted by: Mister Y at June 29, 2005 02:02 PM

Hey Matt--glad to see you have re-dedicated yourself to this fine, fine site. For what it's worth, I particularly like your banner/ header/ whatever you call it--I don't know as I do not live in a penthouse nor design websites--YET. Ha!

Posted by: Mr. X at July 11, 2005 08:48 AM

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